This Bokashi mix is dried thoroughly so it can be stored for years with no loss of effectiveness. The dry ingredients in the mix are simply a carrier and food source for the micro-organisms which are dormant when dry in the packaging and activate again when added to your waste.
Bokashi ferments the waste in the bokashi bucket, eliminating unpleasant odours. When the waste is buried in the soil, the mix accelerates the breakdown of the waste and adds life and nutrients to the soil. This mix can also be used as a great compost starter!
How to compost with Bokashi mix:
- Place your kitchen waste in the bucket and sprinkle a handful of Bokashi mix over every layer of waste. Use approximately one tablespoon of mix for every cup of waste. Use more Bokashi when adding high protein foods, eg meat, fish, cheese and eggs.
- Check that the lid is closed tightly at all times.
- Regularly drain the Bokashi juice produced using the tap at the base of the bucket.
- Repeat this layering process until the Bokashi One bucket is full.
- Once full, the waste is ready to be buried. (Complete breakdown of the waste and the composting process occurs when it is buried in the soil.)
- When empty the hessian sack can be repurposed, composted (best cut into smaller pieces and buried when emptying your Bokashi One bucket) or used a mulch (it will help with moisture retention, it can also be used when germinating seeds).
Is fermenting better than compost?
Compost is a very good source of nutrients for your garden, but because of the composting process, much of the goodness is lost. Fermented waste, however, retains all of the energy (no heat loss) and most of the nutrients in the waste, so that all of this material is available to your plants. Also, fermented waste has the bonus of providing beneficial microbes to your garden, and this will over time produce amazing results.
Is fermenting good for the environment?
Fermenting waste is far better than composting. Greenhouse gas emissions are greatly reduced during fermentation, there are no insect or rodent problems, and the end product is extremely valuable as a soil conditioner and fertiliser. Also, the process retains all the energy (not released to the atmosphere) and all the water is retained and not evaporated.
Bokashi grains should be stored in a cool, dark location and kept airtight.